Case Converter for Ads & Social Media

Should You Use Sentence Case or Title Case for Google Ad Headlines?

Choosing the right capitalization style for your Google Ad headlines can impact readability and engagement. Here’s a quick guide:

Title Case

Definition: Capitalize the first letter of each major word.

Example: “Get The Best Deals On Shoes Today.”


  • Attention-Grabbing: Stands out more and grabs the searchers’ attention.
  • Professional Appearance: Looks more formal and important, which can convey authority.


  • Readability: Can be slightly harder to read compared to sentence case.
  • Perceived as Promotional: Might come off as overly promotional, which can be a turn-off for some searchers.

Sentence Case

Definition: Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.

Example: “Get the best deals on shoes today.”


  • Natural and Conversational: Feels more relaxed and conversational, making it approachable.
  • Easier to Read: Generally easier for users to read quickly and understand.


  • Less Impactful: May not stand out as much as title case, potentially leading to less engagement.
  • Less Formal: Might not convey the same level of importance or professionalism.

Which Casing to Use for Google Ad Headlines?

The standard for English ads is Title Case. It seems to draw more attention in a search results page. 

Title case isn’t a rule, experiment with both styles to determine which performs better for your specific audience and ad goals.

What About Descriptions?

Descriptions use sentence case more often, though title case is present quite often. I would start with sentence case and test title case as a variant in ads.

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