✨ What’s New: Ad Previews

30characters Ad Previews

Try 30characters

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds with AI.

I am loving all the feature requests and feedback!

I’ve worked on apps before where users didn’t know what they wanted next—definitely not the case here.

On that note, here’s the next feature release:

🔎 Ad Mockup Previews

30characters ad preview feature

You can now preview all of your generated and edited ads by clicking the top right preview button.

This is helpful for seeing headline and description combos so you can fine-tune them even more.

You can also generate a share link to share with team members or clients for feedback or copy the entire set of copy into a Google Sheet.

Let me know how we can make this even better!

Login and check out ad previews 👉

🔧 Improvements & Tips

We’ve updated the breadcrumbs to reflect where you are in your campaign structures.

Currently, 30characters is looking for homepages to find links in the nav to generate sitelinks and callouts. If you have a source page you’d like to use instead of the homepage, put that URL in the field below.

We’re working on making the sitelinks and callouts better and more consistent!

✨ Next up

We have a lot of new stuff coming up—excited for you all to try!

  • Better consistency in generating ad assets
  • Account folders to store campaigns by clients
  • Locking headlines to exclude from bulk regeneration
  • More language support
  • Auto-naming of campaigns from quick create
  • More bulk functionality: generate a set of ads from a spreadsheet and eventually with an API

That’s all for now!

Have thoughts on what else we should be building? Let me know and reply back to this email.

You can also email me if you’d like a new 7-day trial. 💪

All the best,
30characters Co-founder

Picture of Raymond Sam
Raymond Sam
Raymond is the co-founder of 30characters. He's been in growth marketing for 15 years and independently consulting for 5 years. He's recently started to build tools to help marketers be more effective and efficient.

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds

Get to good copy 10x faster. 30characters generates conversion focused headlines, descriptions and more with just a few inputs.