✨ What’s New: February 2025 – Quick Create

Generate Ads in 1 click - 30characters UI

Try 30characters

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds with AI.

You can now generate a Google Ad with just a landing page and (optionally) keywords.

It now takes 1 click to generate an add, 5x fewer than before.

Coming up: Polishing and more

We have a bit of cleaning up to do to make navigation and renaming more consistent. Right now all the campaigns generate from this view come with a standard name

Here are the next features coming to the app:

  1. More bulk functionality, generate a set of ads from a spreadsheet and eventually with an API
  2. Ad previews to share with stakeholders for approval
  3. Locking/keep headlines to exclude from mass regeneration
  4. More tone and language options
  5. A keyword research tool to help target keywords in your ad campaigns.

That’s all for now, hope you’re having a good one!


Picture of Raymond Sam
Raymond Sam
Raymond is the co-founder of 30characters. He's been in growth marketing for 15 years and independently consulting for 5 years. He's recently started to build tools to help marketers be more effective and efficient.

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds

Get to good copy 10x faster. 30characters generates conversion focused headlines, descriptions and more with just a few inputs.