✨ What’s New: October 2024

October 2024 30characters updates

Try 30characters

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds with AI.

I’ve been sending these updates through email to our signed up users. I realized I should’ve been posting them on the blog as well this entire time. This is a catch up!

Since launch we’ve been busy adding features and improving overall quality of life. Here are the recent updates we’ve made to 30characters.

Copy and paste into sheet

We’ve added probably the most requested feature we’ve received so far: Copy and pasting into a spreadsheet!

The copy button now has a drop down that let’s you choose between pasting into Google Ads Editor or a spreadsheet like Excel or Google Sheets.

This is what the paste looks like in a sheet:

Here’s a public Google sheet example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18EV3BospsaHgvd2Q5eUdj0DhlIyBeZ8Q-E8x0iLZjOE/edit?usp=sharing

Feel free to comment on the sheet and let me know if you’d like to see some formatting adjustments!

Fork or Duplicate an Ad

You can now duplicate/fork your ads to a copy version. This lets you test different variations of your ads without losing your original progress.

You’ll find the duplicate button in the top left of your ad create screen. From there, a new copy of your ad will be created in the same ad group.

Headline casing

We’ve added the ability to change your casing for headlines and descriptions between Title, sentence, and lower case. 

You should see links above headlines and descriptions where you can toggle casing.

Coming up: UI overhaul

We’re cooking a completely new UI/UX that should make 30characters a lot easier to organize and navigate. This change will also allow us to add more features in a modular manner. Here’s a sneak peek:

That’s all for now, stay tuned for future updates! As always, you can email me and let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see in 30characters.

Picture of Raymond Sam
Raymond Sam
Raymond is the co-founder of 30characters. He's been in growth marketing for 15 years and independently consulting for 5 years. He's recently started to build tools to help marketers be more effective and efficient.

Write high quality Google Ads in seconds

Get to good copy 10x faster. 30characters generates conversion focused headlines, descriptions and more with just a few inputs.